Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The day that will live in infamy

Five years have gone by since that fateful day my life has collapsed and turned to ashes in my mouth.

So much for “there will be no redundancies”

That place was my entire life
I suffer from lack of confidence brought on by Greg Ryman who told me at 4.45pm on the 27th November 1998
“You are not much chop as a printer and you are not worth feeding, 16 years counts for nothing and if I had had my way I would have sacked you years ago!"
And he then told me that Garry Peemoller was a better man than me.
I have been unable to find permanent work in the trade since my redundancy. The 3 casual jobs that I have been successful in obtaining didn’t last longer than a month. I have found that when I am honest with the interviewer when asked as to why at my age I have no supervisory experience and explain this whole scenario the interview usually ends.

I now suffer from depression as that what I was told was the truth was nothing but lies. I managed after some time to gain fulltime employment within the trade but my depression lead to me being “Let go”

I am not a man of any ambition as I believe that people can rise to their own level of incompetence, all I wanted to do was run the KOR on afternoon shift. I realise now that it was unwise of me to even consider the Afternoon shift supervisors position.

That was one of the reasons as to why I did not apply for the job in technical services as Garry Peemoller was applying for that Job and as I was not suitable for the Afternoon shift supervisors position I certainly would not have been suitable for a job in technical services and also Greg Ryman was the person in charge of the interview process and I would not get a fair hearing from him given the statements made on the 27 of November 1998.

My intention to go to University was crushed when I was told that there were no positions available for me. I since have no money as it has been consumed by living expenses and therefore cannot apply again for a position at University.

I for the main part did the right thing by the company but baby boomer ethics have no placed in the 21st century


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