Monday, November 06, 2006

The world has moved on

another unpublised letter to the Herald

You’re not so special Suzanna Owens,
I remember my father telling me “Get a trade son so you will always have something to fall back on”
Having worked for the same firm for 20 years and then suddenly being made redundant after being told that there will be no redundancies and that we were all vitally important to the continued success of the firm.
I thought that this might be the perfect time to enter University as a mature aged student but “Sorry we are unable to offer you a place at this time” was the answer.
My trade has all but disappeared as has the industry and nobody appears to want a young baby boomer.Despite the media coverage of a so called “Skills Shortage”
I wrote to my local my local MP seeking his assistance he told me that while he “Can’t personally recommend me for a job here is the address of Centerlink” thanks John Howard.
Centerlink don’t want to know me because I am ineligible for unemployment benefits so them helping me to find a job won’t make their figures look good.
“Work hard, do the right thing by the Company, don’t take sickies and don’t cause any trouble and you’ll be right son”
"When they ask us why it was we cried, tell them that our fathers lied”


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