Friday, January 12, 2007

We’re from the Government we’re are here to help you

I applied for another job as a printer’s offsider, well I did not get it as I don’t have the correct qualifications

Say what!
I am a qualified printer, I feel that should give me an edge over a labouring offsider

So I went to Centre link who are unable to help me in my search for a job as I have too much money and am not eligible for the dole I was advised to spend all my money and come back and then they could help me.

I wanted to do some courses but I would have to pay for them myself fair enough but when I asked if the could tell me “what courses I should do” they told me that I should “select them” “Ok but can you recommend who the best ones are” “No I am sorry we can’t help you”. So I have to take a punt and may end up spending my money on courses that are not suitable

We’re from the Government we’re are here to help you

Hmm I could expand this for a Heckler column


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