Monday, February 21, 2005

Writing Letters

In my search for a job back in my trade I have been letter writing.

Who to?

My local MP's, after all they send me unsolicited mail and close with the line "If there is any thing I can do for You please don't hesitate to contact me"

two Johns are my MP's Watkins and Howard!

Dear Mr Watkins

I write to ask if you can in your capacity as my State MP get me a better job?

Let me explain, I am by trade a printer and after 19.5 years with the same company I was made redundant on the 27th of July 2001
I had always considered the possibility of my employment ceasing and had considered the police service as an alternate career. Unfortunately in April 1997 I was in a serious car accident that shattered my right kneecap this injury has put paid to any chance of a career in the police service.

As a consequence of this car accident I became interested in the work of solicitors and barristers and decided that as my knee was causing me pain and remaining in my trade might be difficult I would if made redundant attempt a degree in Law. So after my redundancy I applied to Macquarie University under the Jubilee scheme for mature students for a position to do initially English and then Law, however I was unsuccessful in gaining a place.

I have also applied to City Rail for a position as a trainee driver again I was unsuccessful, if in your capacity as Minister enquire for me as to why I was unsuccessful I would be most grateful

My trade prospects are limited, as the company that employed me had not upgraded its equipment for many years; I am limited in the type of equipment that I can operate. I would like to return to my trade if possible.

I am currently employed by the NSW Department of Education and training as a school General Assistant
{Maintenance man}. But the wage provided $428.56 per week is not a living wage and as such I am unable to properly provide for my future

Please find enclosed my resume, if you have any questions and queries don’t hesitate to contact me

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr Howard

I write to ask if you can in your capacity as my Federal MP get me a better job?

Let me explain, I am by trade a printer and after 19.5 years with the same company I was made redundant on the 27th of July 2001
I had always considered the possibility of my employment ceasing and had considered the police service as an alternate career. Unfortunately in April 1997 I was in a serious car accident that shattered my right kneecap this injury has put paid to any chance of a career in the police service.

As a consequence of this car accident I became interested in the work of solicitors and barristers and decided that as my knee was causing me pain and remaining in my trade might be difficult I would if made redundant attempt a degree in Law. So after my redundancy I applied to Macquarie University under the Jubilee scheme for mature students for a position to do initially English and then Law, however I was unsuccessful in gaining a place.

I have also applied to City Rail for a position as a trainee driver again I was unsuccessful

My trade prospects are limited, as the company that employed me had not upgraded its equipment for many years; I am limited in the type of equipment that I can operate. I would like to return to my trade if possible.

I am currently employed by the NSW Department of Education and Training as a school General Assistant
{Maintenance man}. But the wage provided $428.56 per week is not a living wage and as such I am unable to properly provide for my future

Please find enclosed my resume, if you have any questions and queries don’t hesitate to contact me

Yours sincerely

Now I have sent both letters registered mail and received the cards back, it's up to them now
If I have not received a reply in one month I will write again asking how they can ignore a letter from one of their constituents.

If I get no joy Today Tonight or A Current Affair might be interested.


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