Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Da Vinci Code

I was given this book for Christmas, and have just finished reading it.
Well it passed the time but I really could have been doing something more constructive.

It lost me on page 19 when the albinos pistol went click on an empty chamber and he had to insert a fresh clip.

Why you ask, BECAUSE IT'S WRONG! the mechanism of a self loading pistol {they require a clip} will stay open after the last shot has been fired, it lets you know when it is empty, only after you have released the slide can you let the hammer fall on the empty chamber.

That and the sequence of numbers, as one who suffers from numerical dyslexia I am well aware that numbers can contain great power but since I cannot divide or multiply and I have trouble with addition and subtraction as well, I try to avoid anything other than very basic numerecy even then I stuff that up. Thanks NSW Education System. Yes I have taught myself something of velocity and trajectory and wind compensation but it is more instinctive than theoretical I know what to do and I know the result but I cannot show you on paper with numbers like I believe most other people can.

The best read that I have had lately was U700 by James Follett I liked the way the characters from history interacted. I admire Otto Kretschmer the tonnage king.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Earthquakes & Tidal waves

I can remember turning on the television one day in September 2001 and wondering why the networks were showing the same disaster film.

The same thing today though the feeling is quite not the same. I am unable to comprehend the magnitude of this and the body count will rise .

Now I know why I never take holidays {aside from the fact I can't afford to}

I hope those tourists who survived will not be scarred by the experience of foreign places

As to the inhabitants of those places I hope their democratically elected governments can deal with it but I fear they won't be able to and they will look toward the Foreign Devil aggressor the United States of America to come to their aid.

The impermanence of life and the cheapness I am a humbled man.

I apologize for this post, words are such poor tools in this case to express what I want them to

"Oh East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgement Seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, tho' they come from the ends of
the earth!"

Great minds think alike

This post sums up some of my feelings regarding blogs

What I find offensive are those blogs that attack others from behind the invisibility of the web.
I permit people to post on mine but no anonymous comments, if you are not serious about putting your name and by name I also include blog label to a comment then don't comment.

Getting off the soapbox now.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Well this is Christmas

A time of the year that I cannot get excited about

1/ Why can't people be nice ALL the year? {hypocrites}

2/ Why is it assumed that some "gift" will make life better? {no I am not talking about organ donation}

3/Why do the fines for motoring offences double during this period? {is it to pay for the Police overtime}

On Christmas Day last year I washed my Car, well I won't be doing that this year!

In 1644 the British parliament abolished Christmas on the grounds that that the celebration of Christmas provided an opportunity of indulgence in 'carnal and sensual delights'. Not only were all festivities outlawed, but citizens were directed to fast as a form of apology for any ungodly pleasures they or their ancestors may have enjoyed in previous years.
parliament was so taken with this concept that in 1647, similar legislation was passed covering Easter and other festivals.
The only real consequence was wide spread evasion of the law, leading to much fulmination at Westminster. Oblivious of the fact that their antics simply made them look ridiculous in the eyes of all but their most fanatical supporters {some things never change}, the Puritan faction even employed the Army to conduct house to house searches for illicit Christmas dinners, which were confiscated on the spot { and no doubt later eaten by the Army}

I know I have to go to the "parents" but that all that has been arranged for me.

"Bah Humbug"