Monday, September 26, 2005

Weepy and Crying, Family's

I have noticed a tendency within myself to be weepy and crying when exposed to certain things.

The last two times are a case in point

1/ News item about the opening of the Battle of Britain Memorial when that Spitfire and Hurricane few overhead I burst into tears at the sight.

2/ I have just re read A Town Like Alice and I found myself sobbing throughout.

Yet the plight of foreigners and illegal arrivees does not move me at all.

Nor those people who cannot have children and are so desperate to do so, in fact I resent that money that is spent on them by the Government.

Family issues leave me cold

I don’t care about childcare places, I resent government funding of such things that I will never use.

I do understand their importance

I bought my house and I paid it off BUT I WENT WITHOUT. I did not have the overseas trips the new car (and still don’t) eating in fancy restaurants, going to the cinema and I worked 3 jobs! And I paid my house off no one gave me a $7000.00 first home buyers grant, nothing zip zilch nada and people still have the hide to whinge.

(The money I save won’t buy my youth again}

No I don’t cry for you.

Did you cry for me when I lost my Knee? No

But you bastards who winged about the high price of green slips and forced the Greiner Government to put a cap of $250.000.00 on claims thereby limiting my payout I think of you whilst I am in pain.

I still struggle every day to work in constant pain you should hear my leg as I go up and down stairs ‘Crunch, Crunch’ you scum you don’t know what suffering is until you live my life.

Wait to you have the only job you have had ripped away from you!

I should be retired living comfortably on an income commensurate to compensate me for my injuries.

I’m not weepy now I’m angry.

Friday, September 23, 2005


7th in the McIntosh, 5th in B grade Queens

Not going to get into excuses as to why I did not do better suffice to say I had an interesting Friday night.

The traffic was so bad that I missed the AGM!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Letter to the Herald

This piece has caused me to comment

Bye Bye Baby

Ross Gittins piece on the baby boomers caught my eye.
Yes various professions and industries will probably have shortages ofpeople.
But the manufacturing industry what's that ? we have none, with cheap imports from third world countries ours is dead.
I should know, I have been looking for work in my trade for the last 4 years and I am becoming resigned that at my age 40 I am not likely to find it.

I will put in my report on the Queens in a few days

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Bedding & Time

I have been working on the new Stumpy but I still cannot get it over to the left.
I feel that there must be a problem with the nose cap or the forend is warped slightly.
I don't have the time to make the adjustments and to range test it so I am going to use the Stumpy that it was supposed to replace.

However 'I have a cunning plan' I know that the barrel is on it's way out so instead of loading the AX FMJ boattails I will load Flatbased ex MF FMJ, now I have had these in the cupboard for nearly 10 years and only have 100.

An interesting experiment.

The Queen's is on the 17th & 18th that will be the test

I'll get one shot at it ( sorry about the pun)

I really don't feel like going but it needs supporting.

I just wish I was not so dammed tired.

Friday, September 02, 2005


I've just got back from the airport Mrs Stumpy has gone overseas.

You may not know but I don't hold much with travel to foreign places

They have foreigners in them and in many countries people from the first world become prey for those who live in the third world. The only time any sane man should go to foreign parts if if their nation sends them with a rifle. 'end of redneck rant'

The Airport was a mix of people from all over the globe and I can't help think that the tickle in my throat that I feel now is some germ from a foreign third world country.

I still live in the same suburb where I was born.

Don't get me wrong I have been to foreign places (last time someone tried to shoot me) but like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz "there's no place like home"

At the Airport there was this monstrous green frog a more useless thing I have yet to see this year but it was surprisingly attractive.

We went on the train to the Airport it cost me $28.00 return thats more than I earn in two hours!

Now you see why I can't go overseas.