Monday, February 21, 2005

Writing Letters

In my search for a job back in my trade I have been letter writing.

Who to?

My local MP's, after all they send me unsolicited mail and close with the line "If there is any thing I can do for You please don't hesitate to contact me"

two Johns are my MP's Watkins and Howard!

Dear Mr Watkins

I write to ask if you can in your capacity as my State MP get me a better job?

Let me explain, I am by trade a printer and after 19.5 years with the same company I was made redundant on the 27th of July 2001
I had always considered the possibility of my employment ceasing and had considered the police service as an alternate career. Unfortunately in April 1997 I was in a serious car accident that shattered my right kneecap this injury has put paid to any chance of a career in the police service.

As a consequence of this car accident I became interested in the work of solicitors and barristers and decided that as my knee was causing me pain and remaining in my trade might be difficult I would if made redundant attempt a degree in Law. So after my redundancy I applied to Macquarie University under the Jubilee scheme for mature students for a position to do initially English and then Law, however I was unsuccessful in gaining a place.

I have also applied to City Rail for a position as a trainee driver again I was unsuccessful, if in your capacity as Minister enquire for me as to why I was unsuccessful I would be most grateful

My trade prospects are limited, as the company that employed me had not upgraded its equipment for many years; I am limited in the type of equipment that I can operate. I would like to return to my trade if possible.

I am currently employed by the NSW Department of Education and training as a school General Assistant
{Maintenance man}. But the wage provided $428.56 per week is not a living wage and as such I am unable to properly provide for my future

Please find enclosed my resume, if you have any questions and queries don’t hesitate to contact me

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr Howard

I write to ask if you can in your capacity as my Federal MP get me a better job?

Let me explain, I am by trade a printer and after 19.5 years with the same company I was made redundant on the 27th of July 2001
I had always considered the possibility of my employment ceasing and had considered the police service as an alternate career. Unfortunately in April 1997 I was in a serious car accident that shattered my right kneecap this injury has put paid to any chance of a career in the police service.

As a consequence of this car accident I became interested in the work of solicitors and barristers and decided that as my knee was causing me pain and remaining in my trade might be difficult I would if made redundant attempt a degree in Law. So after my redundancy I applied to Macquarie University under the Jubilee scheme for mature students for a position to do initially English and then Law, however I was unsuccessful in gaining a place.

I have also applied to City Rail for a position as a trainee driver again I was unsuccessful

My trade prospects are limited, as the company that employed me had not upgraded its equipment for many years; I am limited in the type of equipment that I can operate. I would like to return to my trade if possible.

I am currently employed by the NSW Department of Education and Training as a school General Assistant
{Maintenance man}. But the wage provided $428.56 per week is not a living wage and as such I am unable to properly provide for my future

Please find enclosed my resume, if you have any questions and queries don’t hesitate to contact me

Yours sincerely

Now I have sent both letters registered mail and received the cards back, it's up to them now
If I have not received a reply in one month I will write again asking how they can ignore a letter from one of their constituents.

If I get no joy Today Tonight or A Current Affair might be interested.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Aussie Blogs returns

Like Mark Twain "reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"

Aussie Blogs have returned Hats of to the volunteers who have taken it on board

even you Victor!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Clutch the saga continues

Well Uncle Marco was set to come on Saturday evening.

But I got Mr trolley jack and whilst Mrs Stumpy was out put the gearbox in!

it took till 10.30 until it was running, the clutch is as light as a feather I had forgotten how beautiful the clutches are.

Driving is now a pleasure and I felt the same pleasure that Charlie Allnutt must have felt when he repaired the propeller of the "African Queen" and when Jake Holman stopped the knock in the engine of the San Pablo.

Did I mention that these two people are those from fiction with whom I most identify.

Oh and that odd Low shot appears to be the result of a neck split in a cartridge case, I have yet to examine the forend for high spots. I need some spare time.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Clutch a saga

Well I was right, it was a bent clutch fork it was bent up near where the yoke goes onto the throwout bearing 1/2 an inch!

A second hand clutch fork cost me $35.00 from Western Wreckers

No wonder it would not work, well Mrs Stumpy and I tried to get the gearbox back in but couldn't as Mrs Stumpy was not able to hold the gearbox on a rope like Zombie could all those years ago.

So I rang Uncle Marco, he's going to come on Saturday