Saturday, April 23, 2005

State Selection

I have made the State Team, If I can continue in this vein I will definitely make the National Team for the International match on the 28th of May.

I have been on the National team 3 times before, I love the fact that I can represent my Country and the other 3 times I have been on the national team WE HAVE WON.

We beat the Poms, Kiwis, Canuck's, South Africans and the Yanks!

of course the papers never printed any thing about it, the Government is actively trying to destroy my sport.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Looking for work in all the wrong places

Been looking for work.

Don't belive that Seek advertisment, is all BS I have not found one job that would suit me within my own sphere of competencey.

I have just written to the Printing Industry Association of Australia enquiring about employment and await their reply.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

April 20th

Today is April 20th.

It is Adolf Hitlers birthday.

I wonder what stupid crimes the WAR and others of their ilk are going to do to commemorate this.

I think Darp makes them all out to be bigger than what I believe them to be, I am unsure as to why people bother being Nazi's or Communists both ideas have had their day.

There doesn't seem to be any room for people with ideals in this shrinking globalized world.

The third world is coming and its going to feast on the first world because people are to stupid to realize the consequences of globalization.

Its the greed of the first world and their consumerism, it's leading it to it's doom.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Am I Jew, am I Jew?

I have developed a habit unconsciously lately that disturbs me,

When I put fuel in the car I have been not stopping on the exact amount and have been putting 1 cent more in, because of the rounding of prices I am not charged for the extra cent as I pay with cash for my fuel purchases.

I used to mock those who did such a thing and thought of them as stingy bastards, perhaps I have now become one?

I have a black dog at my heels lately.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Curb your child!

I have noticed the way parents these days seem to indulge their children.

I cannot remember being indulged as a child and a young adult, indeed I used to believe that there were two things in the world the I was afraid of . My Father and the NSW Police Force.

I would like to bring to your attention this piece

Within it I find things that have a commonality of purpose for me, it answers some of it's own questions.

We need to stop trying to bolster our children's self-worth at the expense of our own. The idea of giving your children high self-esteem is now being debunked in the US as children are leaving school with their bubbles bursting. They can't cope with criticism or independence.
A generation of children raised on false praise has given them an inflated sense of themselves, say teachers. There has not been as much benefit as hoped, say psychologists.
Why are mothers so afraid of stepping up to the parenting mark and taking their places as responsible adults? Is it because they want their children to like them? Your children don't have to like you. They have to trust you. Trust that you will provide their basic needs and comfort them.
Your children need you to be present, reliable, stable and consistent. They need you to be a person they respect. If they don't respect you when they are small, what hope will you have when your son is 15 and taller than you?
And they need you to teach them to behave in a way which is considered socially acceptable, and that means good manners and respect for women.