Friday, January 27, 2006

Unity vital in battle against terrorism, letter to the Herald

My comment about John Howards Australia day speech

Once again John Howard shows why he is the most consummate politician in Australia today

The teaching of history should convey only facts and be free from political motives, personal opinions, biases, propaganda, and other common tactics of distortion. Every claim that is made about history should also be accompanied by documentation proving its basis. Only responsible scholarship and teaching should be permitted. Those who intend to support particular political interests and agendas should have their biased historical interpretations criticized for lacking proof.

Because of the numerous contradicting, disjoint, biased, confused, and deficient interpretations that exist, few scholars are able to gather the facts and to understand and explain them coherently. Whether this failure is from a lack of information, scholarship ability, or honesty is unimportant. What is important is that historical information be made freely available and gathered into exhibits that allow researchers to derive independent conclusions.

The current policy of multiculturalism is no longer unchallengeable.

Multiculturalism is racism in a politically-correct guise. It holds that an individual’s identity and personal worth are determined by ethnic/racial membership and that all cultures are of equal worth, regardless of their moral views or how they treat people. Multiculturalism holds that ethnic identity should be a central factor in educational and social policy decisions.

Multiculturalism is a threat to education: instead of encouraging students to question their assumptions and the assumptions of their parents and society, multiculturalism demands that students accept blindly what they’re given. Instead of encouraging reason and independent judgment, multiculturalism demands obedience to authority: the authority of the ethnic group.
I think we would all agree that cultural harmony should be our objective. It is my strong belief based on significant experience that cultural harmony is fostered by working together and focusing on what we share and have in common as human beings rather that focusing on differences which are the basis of conflict. Even a passing acquaintance with history and contemporary events makes this totally clear. Knowing what your neighbour eats and wears or what music or dance he/she enjoys is not sufficient to stop you trying to kill him/her. What is really important in every culture is such elements as beliefs and values. Working together we learn from each other, appreciate that everyone has something to contribute and learn that we can work harmoniously despite superficial differences - these are the focus for disharmony and conflict.

These views I must confess will not be popular with those who have a vested interest in seeing the status quo continue, we have only one world and one race human
Let us continue the traditions of mateship and a fair go for all. It is what makes us uniquely Australian.

It was not printed.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Found Jesus yet?

Well I managed to get a contract job that could have lead to permanency


The boss was a Jesus freak, now I have worked with Commos and Nazis and Bible Bashers but never a Jesus freak and I found it disturbing.

He was not a printer by trade and he had unreal expectations of the times that it would take to make ready the jobs, 7 minutes when the industry standard is 20 to 30 minutes

I was taken by the quality of the work and was quite excited by the thought of high quality printing that fits in with my own philosophy of “Near enough is not good enough but exactly right is near enough” but however he was putting pressure on me as by his opinion I was taking too long and he was telling me that his business depended on it.

In fact I felt that he was questioning my competency as a tradesman and as he was not a printer by trade I felt uneased by this. I had not run that type of machine before.

His business is exactly that his business not mine! Yes I am responsible for what I do each day but when you have only been working there for 2 days and he starts to emotionally involve you that was scary.

I am still looking for work but its not easy to find I just don’t know where that shortage of tradesmen is as I have not seen it yet.

He kept asking me if I had found Jesus yet? I didn’t know that he was missing.

I fronted him on the 4th day and told him that I wanted out hand that I would work for him that day then leave he told me that is that was the case I should “respect the business”

I worked for 12 hours and did not charge him that is how much I respected the business

Nah I am just a fool.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Well the B709 arrived and I picked up my little jewels

I was very lucky, as apparently Australia Post is not going to let projectiles be sent through it any more as of Feb 1st 2006

What don’t they want the business?

This will mean that they will have to be sent via direct freight companies

I asked the woman if there was any duty to be paid

“Nah don’t worry about it,” she said

one bright ray in a mass of dark clouds

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I have received notification that my other parcel has arrived


now I have faxed off for a B709 form when it comes I can get my new lot of pretties

I am getting the hang of this now