Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Offsiders postion

I applied for an offsiders position an offsiders position and me a qualified printer

I seemed to fit all the criteria

This is the response

Thank you for application regarding the above position.After carefully reviewing your details, we regret to inform you that you have been unsuccessful due to our client's specific requirements.Your background and experience is impressive however, so with your permission we shall retain your details on file and communicate with you further should a position arise which we feel would be of interest to you. While at this time we were not able to assist you in your job placement, we would like to thank you for your interest in taking the time to submit your application. Please accept our best wishes for the future and should you see another role on our website, we would welcome your application.Kind RegardsThe Team @ Integrated Group

This is mine

Dear Sir,

Having thought this over, I feel that your advertisement for your client should have been more specific in its request.
A “shotgun” approach leads to excessive work culling the unsuitable applications.

Should you require any assistance in the drafting and correct wording of advertisements for your clients in the printing industry in the future please don’t hesitate to contact me, as I can assist you in this to ensure that other people like myself are not inconvenienced.

The added bonus of this is it will lead to a lighter workload for you.

Kind regards

Monday, November 20, 2006


Well I did manage to get a job in my trade again this time running a 2 colour MO, now I have not run one of these since my first year.

I got a days training from the bloke who was running it he was retiring then into the deepend I jumped
Well what a struggle, the principal of printing is the same its just learning the little quirks of the machines

I was managing to get one pass off each day, bloody terrible as I should be able to get at least two passes per day. Its 4-colour work and I have not done much of that in my career

Mean while calls were coming in about the job why was it not done

And the advertisement for the printer was rerun

It does wonders for your confidence when you hear “yes mate when can you start cause the bloke we have now is not much chop” I was sweating and going nowhere just spinning the wheels this increased my nervousness and I was starting to wretch prior to going to work. I looked upon it as a challenge

And finally on the 2nd Thursday the machine would not feed paper under impression I tried all the tricks that I could think off and eventually that evening rang up Uncle Len “It’s the eyes mate”

Next day I removed the cover and examined the eyes they were full of spray powder, I cleaned them and ran I had the best day ever, even though one plate was plated 5 millimetres out and I had to take it off and re punch it as I could not catch it with the circumferential adjustment.

Well I finished at 11am “what’s next” I said “just wash-up and you can go home” and they made sure they had my contact details “We don’t have any work for this machine until probably Wednesday we will ring you then”

Its been three weeks since I don’t think I am going back.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Finally got my car registered! I feel like I did when I was 18
"There is no smell like the smell of a “new” car, except maybe for pussy"
With apologies to Stephen King.

It still needs a bit of work yet

I feel empowered and will attempt to get a job after the last attempt I'll post about that next

It’s a bit hard to get one I you don’t have a car as the public transport is hopeless

Friday, November 10, 2006

Jacaranda trees

On my walk around the suburb today the beauty of the jacaranda tress takes me with the colouring of purple, the fallen flowers marking the next-door neighbours lawn a natural purple carpet it’s the sole beauty of that, makes me cry.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Newspaper Job Ads surge

The announcement in the business section yesterday that “Newspaper Job Ads surge” beggars belief.
The underlying premise of this is that the economy is moving forward strongly
How many of those ads are multiple ones placed by firms that employed more than one recruitment firm?
And how many are from recruiters trying to build up a stable of candidates for temporary and casual positions?
The ads might be there but the jobs are not
How is it that a qualified tradesman cannot obtain suitable work with the so-called Skills Shortage?
It’s all smoke and mirrors.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The world has moved on

another unpublised letter to the Herald

You’re not so special Suzanna Owens,
I remember my father telling me “Get a trade son so you will always have something to fall back on”
Having worked for the same firm for 20 years and then suddenly being made redundant after being told that there will be no redundancies and that we were all vitally important to the continued success of the firm.
I thought that this might be the perfect time to enter University as a mature aged student but “Sorry we are unable to offer you a place at this time” was the answer.
My trade has all but disappeared as has the industry and nobody appears to want a young baby boomer.Despite the media coverage of a so called “Skills Shortage”
I wrote to my local my local MP seeking his assistance he told me that while he “Can’t personally recommend me for a job here is the address of Centerlink” thanks John Howard.
Centerlink don’t want to know me because I am ineligible for unemployment benefits so them helping me to find a job won’t make their figures look good.
“Work hard, do the right thing by the Company, don’t take sickies and don’t cause any trouble and you’ll be right son”
"When they ask us why it was we cried, tell them that our fathers lied”